Thanksgiving travel is awful, especially in this commuter city of DC. I thought I had dodged the bullet when I left for New Orleans Wednesday. I got out of work early, hopped on the bus, avoided the crowd, got on an earlier flight, and even used my first class upgrade coupon. A few cocktails and a cheese and fruit plate later I was home in New Orleans, eating at R&Os and hanging out with my girlfriend.

This was one of only a handful of Thanksgivings that I haven't spent in Albertville, Alabama, where my mother's family is originally from. The logistics just didn't work out for me to go this year. I spent Thanksgiving day with my dad and with Breland's family (see the picture with Sophie). Friday, we watched LSU's panic-attack inducing victory over Arkansas. Saturday I made it up to Baton Rouge to see my mom and some friends there.
The thing is, I'll be back in Louisiana in just a few short weeks, for a friend's wedding. And then for a week between Christmas and New Year's.
More later. I'm anxiously watching the Trinity Episcopal Saints, my high school team, who advanced to the Class A state championship game last week, five years after our team won state my senior year.
A few weeks ago, I had some friends over for a Red Beans and Rice. This is a picture I took to prove that I actually made this heavenly dish. I slaved over a hot stove all day. My mom helped with the technical support. Some people think its funny (read: stupid) that I took a picture. I leave you with it. Trust me, it was amazing.