Jan 31, 2007

Journalistic beginnings

My inner struggle with Law School continues after a conversation I had with an old friend at The Times-Picayune. I'm being tempted to return to New Orleans not as a law student but as a journalist. It wouldn't be the worst thing to do to get more work experience, especially in a field that I'm already enveloped in, but my mom warns that if I don't go back to school now I never will. If I do take a job in journalism I could always apply to better law schools down the road and (hopefully) get in. There's also the option that I just won't go to Law School and I'll live out my life as a journalist, albeit relatively poor.

My roommate, Chris, is in New Orleans right now house-hunting. The Times-Pic gave him a great deal to return to NOLA and he's excited about working for such a great paper again. The TP really is a great place to work, they're like family to me, and I think Chris feels the same.

In a late-night discussion with myself (I do that more and more now) I shot a quick (and free) application to night law school at Loyola - New Orleans. Although it's definately a lower-ranked school than LSU (my current pick) it would allow me to work in the field and get my JD in less than four years.

Something to think about.

1 comment:

bizzgirl said...

Scott--I am a journalist who is attending night law school. But I am older than you so have more work experience. I have loved journalism, but have wanted to go to law school for some time and kept putting it off. Then one day at my computer at work, I was gripped with the urge to apply and the rest is history. I have found my journalistic skills to be very helpful in law.

Here is my blog:


In the blog I talk about switching careers and attending night law school, and a little bit of everything.