Aug 23, 2007

Last day of the Second (third) week

I'm writing this post from my Legal Traditions class, which is basically a lecture on the history of law. I'm not ignoring the teacher, I promise.

Thursday is the last official day of class of the second official week of school. Although it started long before that with orientation and a large load of homework. LSU's Paul M. Hebert Law Center starts a week before other major law schools in the country (sometimes up to three weeks before) because of the bijural nature of the curriculum. We also take the most required credit hours of any law school in the country, including a mandatory summer session.

And I decided to go here!

Honestly, law school is not as hard as it is just a lot of work. As a matter of fact, it's the most work I've ever done for a single class in my life... for every class. As I told one of my old professors from the Manship School the other day, I don't believe I was ever seriously intellectually challenged until law school. Sure, stuff was difficult in undergrad, but not on this level or magnitude.

Tonight, some 1Ls are congregating at my house to watch The Paper Chase, a movie about... you guessed it, law school. Our conversations are dominated by it. While lifting weights yesterday I found myself trying to figure out if I dropped a 70-pound weight because it was too heavy on someone's foot would that be a tort. Seriously.

I hope you all like the new look of this site (please send suggestions) and hope you will continue to check it to keep up with how law school and my life is going. I will write about all kinds of things from politics and journalism to law school and the nature of legal education. Basically, I'm going to need a break from writing about the law all day. This blog is that break.

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