Sep 11, 2007

On this day, six years ago...

On my Dashboard (for you non-Mac users, that's like a second desktop that comes up at the push of a button) my "This day in history" World Book Encyclopedia Widget says the following happened on Sept. 11:
"The Battle of Brandywine" in the American Revolution, 1777.

It has three other facts, the last one being the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

This morning I was listening to Public Radio and I listened as jim bob Republican and rich-but-liberal Democrat battled about whether we should be in Iraq. About 5 minutes in to this less-than-riveting session I heard one of them say the most profound thing I've heard about the war, scary as that is.

It went something like "We can't leave Iraq now, because now there we have a thousand terrorists with years of on-the-job training."


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